Preparing a PVC Change File
PVC Change File Description
The sample template of the PVC change file is /examples/volumemodifyclaim.yaml. The following table lists the configuration items.
Table 1 Parameter description
Name of a cluster resource object, which is of the string type. | The name must comply with the naming rules of a DNS subdomain name. The value can contain a maximum of 63 characters, including digits, lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.). It must start and end with a lowercase letter or digit. Note: During a PVC change, the original StorageClass is backed up. The name of the backup StorageClass is <Original StorageClass name><VolumeModifyClaim name>, and must comply with the StorageClass naming rules. | |||
Whether to change a common volume to a HyperMetro volume. Currently, the value can only be "true". | Only common storage volumes at the primary site can be changed to HyperMetro storage volumes. | |||
Data synchronization speed of a HyperMetro pair. The value ranges from 1 to 4. | This parameter is available only when spec.parameters.hyperMetro is set to "true".
- The spec.source.kind and parameters are used to specify the volume change scope. For example, if they are set to a StorageClass and the corresponding name respectively, all PVCs in the Bound state provisioned using the target StorageClass will be changed.
- After all associated PVCs are changed, Huawei CSI will replace the original StorageClass and add the spec.parameters parameter of the VolumeModifyClaim so that the PVCs meet the StorageClass definition.
For details about the configuration in typical scenarios, see the following example:
Changing a Common Volume to a HyperMetro Volume
The following is an example of changing a common volume to a HyperMetro volume:
kind: VolumeModifyClaim
name: myvmc
kind: StorageClass
name: mysc
hyperMetro: "true"