The PVC change feature is disabled by default during Huawei CSI installation. To use this feature, perform the following steps.
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Enabling the PVC Change Feature
1 - Enabling the PVC Change Feature Using Helm
- You have installed Huawei CSI using Helm.
- Huawei CSI v4.6.0 or later is used.
Use a remote access tool, such as PuTTY, to log in to any master node in the Kubernetes cluster through the management IP address.
Run the following command to check whether the PVC change feature is enabled.
helm-huawei-csi indicates the Helm chart name specified during installation, and huawei-csi indicates the Helm chart namespace specified during installation. For details about the component package path, see Table 1 .
helm get values helm-huawei-csi -n huawei-csi -a | grep volumeModify -A 1
The following is an example of the command output.
- If enabled: true is displayed in the command output, the feature is enabled. In this case, skip the following steps.
- If enabled: false is displayed in the command output, perform the following steps to enable the PVC change feature.
volumeModify: enabled: false
Go to the /helm/esdk directory and run the following command to configure the volume change CRD.
# kubectl apply -f ./crds/volume-modify/ configured configured
If the command output contains Warning: resource customresourcedefinitions/ is missing the…, you can ignore it. This message is displayed because the kubectl create command instead of the kubectl apply command is used for installation by Helm.Run the following command to obtain the original service configuration file.
helm get values helm-huawei-csi -n huawei-csi -a > ./update-values.yaml
Run the vi update-values.yaml command to open the file obtained in 4 and modify the following configuration. After the modification is complete, press Esc and enter :wq! to save the modification.
csiExtender: volumeModify: enabled: true
Run the following command to update Huawei CSI services.
helm upgrade helm-huawei-csi ./ -n huawei-csi -f ./update-values.yaml
Run the following command to check whether the services are started.
kubectl get pod -n huawei-csi
The following is an example of the command output. In the preceding command, huawei-csi indicates the namespace for deploying Huawei CSI.
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE huawei-csi-controller-6dfcc4b79f-9vjtq 10/10 Running 0 24m huawei-csi-node-tqs87 3/3 Running 0 20m
2 - Enabling the PVC Change Feature Manually
Huawei CSI has been manually installed.
Use a remote access tool, such as PuTTY, to log in to any master node in the Kubernetes cluster through the management IP address.
Go to the manual/esdk working directory and run the following command to configure the volume change CRD.
kubectl apply -f ./crds/volume-modify/
Run the following command. For details about the component package path, see Table 1 .
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/huawei-csi-controller-extender.yaml
Run the following command to check whether the services are started.
kubectl get pod -n huawei-csi
The following is an example of the command output. In the preceding command, huawei-csi indicates the namespace for deploying Huawei CSI.
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE huawei-csi-controller-6dfcc4b79f-9vjtq 10/10 Running 0 24m huawei-csi-node-tqs87 3/3 Running 0 24m