Installing Huawei CSI on Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Tanzu

Installation Procedure

  1. Use a remote access tool, such as PuTTY, to log in to any master node in the cluster through the management IP address.

  2. Copy the helm directory in the Kubernetes CSI component package to any directory on the master node. For details about the Helm tool path, see Table 1.

  3. Go to the helm/esdk working directory.

    cd helm/esdk
  4. Prepare the values.yaml file. Huawei CSI provides the values.yaml template file in the helm/esdk directory of the software package. You can also modify parameters according to Parameters in the values.yaml File of Helm to customize Huawei CSI.

  5. Perform the following configuration before the installation:

  6. Run the following command to update the storage backend CRD.

    kubectl apply -f ./crds/backend/
  7. (Optional) Check snapshot-dependent components by following the instructions provided in Checking Volume Snapshot-Dependent Components. After confirming that the components are correct, run the following command to update the snapshot CRD. If controller.snapshot.enabled is set to false or the Kubernetes version is earlier than v1.17, you can skip this step. For details, see Table 2.

    kubectl apply -f ./crds/snapshot-crds/ --validate=false
  8. Run the following command to install Huawei CSI. In the preceding command, helm-huawei-csi indicates the custom Helm chart name, ./ indicates that the Helm project in the current directory is used, and huawei-csi indicates the custom Helm chart namespace.

    helm install helm-huawei-csi ./ -n huawei-csi --create-namespace

    The following is an example of the command output.

    NAME: helm-huawei-csi
    LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Jun  8 11:50:28 2022
    NAMESPACE: huawei-csi
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  9. After the huawei-csi service is deployed, run the following command to check whether the service is started.

    kubectl get pod -n huawei-csi

    The following is an example of the command output. If the Pod status is Running, the installation is successful.

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    huawei-csi-controller-6dfcc4b79f-9vjtq   9/9     Running   0          24m
    huawei-csi-controller-6dfcc4b79f-csphc   9/9     Running   0          24m
    huawei-csi-node-g6f4k                    3/3     Running   0          20m
    huawei-csi-node-tqs87                    3/3     Running   0          20m

Installation and Configuration on the OpenShift Platform

For the OpenShift platform, run the following commands to create the SecurityContextConstraints resource.

  1. Run the following command to edit the helm_scc.yaml file.

    vi helm_scc.yaml
  2. Modify the helm_scc.yaml file. In the following command output, huawei-csi indicates the created namespace. Replace it based on the actual situation.

    kind: SecurityContextConstraints
      name: helm-scc
    allowHostDirVolumePlugin: true
    allowHostIPC: true
    allowHostNetwork: true
    allowHostPID: true
    allowHostPorts: true
    allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
    allowPrivilegedContainer: true
      type: RunAsAny
      type: RunAsAny
      type: RunAsAny
    - system:serviceaccount:huawei-csi:huawei-csi-controller
    - system:serviceaccount:huawei-csi:huawei-csi-node
  3. Run the following command to create a SecurityContextConstraints file.

    oc create -f helm_scc.yaml

Installation and Configuration on the Tanzu Platform

On the Tanzu platform, run the following command to configure the kubelet installation directory.

  1. Go to the helm/esdk directory in the installation package, run the following command to open the configuration file, modify the file, and save the file. For details about the installation package directory, see Table 1.

    vi values.yaml
  2. Modify the kubeletConfigDir parameter as follows:

    # Specify kubelet config dir path.
    # kubernetes and openshift is usually /var/lib/kubelet
    # Tanzu is usually /var/vcap/data/kubelet
    # CCE is usually /mnt/paas/kubernetes/kubelet
    kubeletConfigDir: /var/vcap/data/kubelet

For TKGI 1.16 or earlier of the Tanzu platform, run the following commands to configure the RBAC permission.

  1. Run the following command to create a file named rbac.yaml.

    vi rbac.yaml
  2. Copy the following content to the rbac.yaml file, save the file, and exit.

    kind: ClusterRole
      name: huawei-csi-psp-role
    - apiGroups: ['policy']
      resources: ['podsecuritypolicies']
      verbs: ['use']
    kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      name: huawei-csi-psp-role-cfg
      kind: ClusterRole
      name: huawei-csi-psp-role
    - kind: Group
      name: system:serviceaccounts:huawei-csi
    - kind: Group
      name: system:serviceaccounts:default
  3. Run the following command to create the RBAC permission.

    kubectl create -f rbac.yaml