Manually Installing Huawei CSI

This section describes how to manually install Huawei CSI.

Currently, only the Kubernetes platform supports manual installation of Huawei CSI.


  1. Use a remote access tool, such as PuTTY, to log in to any master node in the cluster through the management IP address.

  2. Copy the manual directory in the Kubernetes CSI component package to any directory on the master node.

  3. Run the following command to create a namespace.

    kubectl create ns huawei-csi
  4. Go to the manual/esdk working directory. For details about the path, see Table 1.

    cd manual/esdk
  5. Run the following command to update the storage backend CRD.

    kubectl apply -f ./crds/backend/
  6. (Optional) Check snapshot-dependent components by following the instructions provided in Checking Volume Snapshot-Dependent Components. After confirming that the components are correct, run the following command to update the snapshot CRD. If the Kubernetes version is earlier than v1.17, skip this step.

    kubectl apply -f ./crds/snapshot-crds/ --validate=false
  7. (Optional) Run the following command to install CSIDriver. If the CSIDriver feature is not used, you can skip this step. For details, see the CSIDriver feature.

    kubectl apply -f ./deploy/csidriver.yaml 
  8. Run the following command to install the huawei-csi-controller service.

    If the Kubernetes version is earlier than v1.17, modify the ./deploy/huawei-csi-controller.yaml file as follows:

    • If the Kubernetes version is earlier than v1.17, the snapshot feature is not supported. In this case, delete the snapshot-related container configurations items csi-snapshotter and snapshot-controller.
    • If the Kubernetes version is earlier than v1.17, the csi-provisioner sidecar image provided by the Kubernetes community does not support the –leader-election parameter. Therefore, the leader-election parameter of the csi-provisioner container is deleted and only single-copy deployment is supported.
    • Modify the dependent image version based on the version requirements in Checking the Images on Which CSI Depends.
    kubectl apply -f ./deploy/huawei-csi-controller.yaml
  9. Run the following command to install the huawei-csi-node service.

    kubectl apply -f ./deploy/huawei-csi-node.yaml 
  10. Run the following command to check whether the services are started.

    kubectl get pod -n huawei-csi

    The following is an example of the command output. If the Pod status is Running, the installation is successful.

    NAME                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    huawei-csi-controller-68745d489c-v5xkj   9/9     Running   0          13m
    huawei-csi-node-4hbqp                    3/3     Running   0          13m
    huawei-csi-node-f7dkf                    3/3     Running   0          13m
    huawei-csi-node-xrntc                    3/3     Running   0          13m

In the multi-copy controller deployment scenario, you can modify the spec.replica field of the Deployment resource in the ./deploy/huawei-csi-controller.yaml file to specify the number of copies. After the modification, run the following command for the modification to take effect.

kubectl apply -f ./deploy/huawei-csi-controller.yaml