PV Parameters for Static Volume Provisioning

Table 1 Static volume provisioning parameters




Default Value



User-defined name of a PV object.



Take Kubernetes v1.22.1 as an example. The value can contain digits, lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.), and must start and end with a letter or digit.


Volume mode. This parameter is optional. When LUN volumes are used, the following types are supported:

  • Filesystem: local file system.
  • Block: raw device.



This parameter takes effect when a PV is mounted. The default value is Filesystem.

  • Filesystem indicates that a container accesses a PV using a local file system. The local file system type is specified by the fsType field in the specified StorageClass.
  • Block indicates that a PV is accessed in raw volume mode.


Name of the StorageClass object. This parameter is mandatory.



Set the parameter to an empty string, that is, enter "".


Access mode of the volume.

  • RWO (ReadWriteOnce): A volume can be mounted to a node in read/write mode. This mode also allows multiple Pods running on the same node to access the volume.
  • ROX (ReadOnlyMany): A volume can be mounted to multiple nodes in read-only mode.
  • RWX (ReadWriteMany): A volume can be mounted to multiple nodes in read/write mode.
  • RWOP (ReadWriteOncePod): A volume can only be mounted to a single Pod in read/write mode. Kubernetes 1.22 and later versions support this feature.



  • RWO/ROX/RWOP: supported by all types of volumes. RWOP is supported only by Kubernetes 1.22 and later versions. Check whether this feature is enabled for your Kubernetes cluster by referring to Enabling the ReadWriteOncePod Feature Gate.
  • The support for RWX is as follows:


CSI driver name.



Set this parameter to the driver name set during Huawei CSI installation.


Unique identifier of a storage resource. This parameter is mandatory.

Format: <backendName>.<volume-name>



The value of this parameter consists of the following parts:

  • <backendName>: indicates the name of the backend where the volume resides. You can run the following command to obtain the configured backend information.

    oceanctl get backend

  • <volume-name>: indicates the name of a resource (LUN/file system) on the storage. You can obtain the value from DeviceManager.


Type of a host file system. This parameter is optional. The supported types are:

  • ext2
  • ext3
  • ext4
  • xfs



If this parameter is not set, the default value ext4 is used. This parameter is available only when volumeMode is set to Filesystem.


Volume size.



Ensure that the size is the same as that of the corresponding resource on the storage. Kubernetes will not invoke CSI to check whether the value of this parameter is correct. Therefore, the PV can be successfully created even if its capacity is inconsistent with that of the corresponding resource on the storage.


NFS mount option on the host. The following mount option is supported:

nfsvers: protocol version for NFS mounting. The value can be 3, 4, 4.0, 4.1, or 4.2.



This parameter is optional after the -o parameter when the mount command is executed on the host. The value is in list format.

If the NFS version is specified for mounting, NFS 3, 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2 protocols are supported (the protocol must be supported and enabled on storage devices). If nfsvers is set to 4, the latest protocol version NFS 4 may be used for mounting due to different OS configurations, for example, 4.2. If the 4.0 protocol is required, you are advised to set nfsvers to 4.0.


The DPC namespace supports the ACL function. The DPC client supports POSIX ACL, NFSv4 ACL, and NT ACL authentication.



The descriptions of acl, aclonlyposix, cnflush, and cflush are for reference only. For details about the parameters, see OceanStor Pacific Series Product Documentation and choose Configuration > Basic Service Configuration Guide for File > Configuring Basic Services (DPC Scenario) > Accessing a DPC Share on a Client > Step 2.


The DPC namespace supports POSIX ACL, and the DPC client supports POSIX ACL authentication.

The following protocols support POSIX ACL: DPC, NFSv3, and HDFS. If NFSv4 ACL or NT ACL is used, the DPC client cannot identify the ACL of this type. As a result, the ACL of this type does not take effect.



If aclonlyposix and acl are used together, only acl takes effect. That is, the namespace supports the ACL function.


Asynchronous disk flushing mode. That is, data is not flushed to disks immediately when files in the namespace are closed.



Asynchronous flushing mode: When a file is closed, data in the cache is not flushed to storage media in synchronous mode. Instead, data is written from the cache to the storage media in asynchronous flushing mode. After the write service is complete, data is flushed from the cache to disks periodically based on the flushing period. In a multi-client scenario, if concurrent operations are performed on the same file, the file size update is affected by the disk flushing period. That is, the file size is updated only after the disk flushing is complete. Generally, the update is completed within several seconds. Synchronous I/Os are not affected by the disk flushing period.


Synchronous disk flushing mode. That is, data is flushed to disks immediately when files in the namespace are closed.



By default, the synchronous disk flushing mode is used.